Objective: We will describe how Bilbo's story unfolds in The Hobbit using "The Hero's Journey." We will analyze each part and explain how Bilbo's character responds and changes as the plot unfolds by creating a slide presentation with pictures and visuals.
Using your notes and your novel, work with your partner to create a slide presentation of Bilbo and his "Hero's Journey." Make sure that you share the presentation with your partner so that you both have access to the presentation. You need the following elements:
1. Title Slide (include your names)
2. Slide explaining the plot pattern of the Hero's Journey in all stories - use this link for more info http://www.thewritersjourney.com/hero's_journey.htm
3. Slides for each part of the journey and how it relates to Bilbo and his character and actions - include a quote from each part of the story for each part
4. Visuals and/or pictures to enhance the meaning and understanding of each part of the story.
5. bibliography slide for any extra research you did
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