Monday, November 4, 2013

The Hobbit - ch. 7-8

How does Bilbo become the hero of Chapter Eight?  Use textual evidence in your answer.  Please include your names at the end of your answer.


Anonymous said...

Bilbo becomes the hero of chapter 8 , when he saves the dwarves from the spiders.For example, if he had not have saved them in time , they could have died easily.

Jonathan and Robyn

Anonymous said...

Bilbo becomes the hero of chapter 8 by attacking the spiders by throwing rocks at them.For example, they could have been easily killed.

Anonymous said...

Bilbo becomes the hero of chapter 8 because he saved all of the dwarves from the spiders with his elvish dagger. Also he was sort of like Gandalf at that moment because he was a leader telling everybody what to do. Also he found some food and water for the dwarves.

Zach and Eva

Anonymous said...

Bilbo becomes the hero of chapter 8 by killing the spiders and freeing the Dwarves from the webs. The way he does this is by using the invisibility ring to throw rocks at the spiders.


Anonymous said...

Bilbo becomes the hero of chapter 8 because he kills the spiders and finds food. For example, he uses his dagger/sword called Sting to kill the spiders. Julianne Shailen Maverick

Anonymous said...

Bilbo becomes the hero at the end of chapter 8 because he saved the dwarves from the spider. He killed the spider by using the sword and stabbing him between his eyes.

Tori, Jamal

Anonymous said...

Bilbo becomes a hero at the end of chapter 8 when he kills the fat spiders when they were holding his friends captive. To kill the spiders he had to use the ring. In addition, he felt fiercer and braver that he did that.

Alex Lara Gabby

Anonymous said...

Bilbo is the hero of chapter 8 because he was able to save the dwarves from being eaten by the giant spider,by using his ring. For instance,he distreacted the spiders with his ring, then he freed the dwarves.


Anonymous said...

Bilbo became the hero of ch.8 by saving his friends by defeating the spiders that had taken the dwarves and wrapped them up in web. For example, in the book it says,"It was not very long before he which the hobbit again showed his usefulness.
-Caleb and Jackson

Unknown said...

At the end of chapter 8 Bilbo becomes a hero by killing all the big, mean, fat spiders using his invisibility ring. He rescues the dwarves and they run away.

Samuel Michael Schneider

Kayla Anima :3

Anonymous said...

Bilbo becomes the hero of chapter 8 when he rescues the dwarves on page 164.He did this by distracting the spiders by singing insulting songs, his invisibility ring, and cutting the dwarves free. Jade Ananya & Sofia

Anonymous said...

Bilbo becomes the hero of chapter 8 when he rescues the dwarves on page 164.He did this by distracting the spiders by singing insulting songs, his invisibility ring, and cutting the dwarves free. Jade Ananya & Sofia

Anonymous said...

Bilbo becomes a hero of chapter 8 by rescuing the dwarves from the spider. For example, he put the sword right through the spider's eyes.
